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For Oil and Energy Services

MUNHNA is an ARABIC word meaning Curve.


A Journey of Excellence and Expertise in Oil and Gas Services

Al Munhna for Oil Services was established to provide diversified and sophisticated services to the oil and gas industry. It aims to meet the needs of operators in the petroleum industry by providing integrated and efficient services in areas such as drilling, production, maintenance, and technological development.  
This company has extensive experience in the petroleum field, where the team consists of a group of experts and specialists in this field. The company also uses the latest technologies and tools in providing its services, which helps it improve the quality of its services, increase productivity, and achieve greater profitability.  
It also aims to provide high-quality services that are in line with the highest occupational safety and health standards, achieve operator satisfaction, and strengthen long-term business relations with them. The company also seeks to provide an optimal working environment for its employees, provide training and continuous development opportunities for them, improve their efficiency and productivity, and increase the level of services provided.

Our Services

We Provide Unparalleled Expertise in

The company also uses the latest technologies and tools in providing its services, which helps it improve the quality of its services, increase productivity, and achieve greater profitability.


Our QHSE management system is integrated into all aspects of our operations, from planning and design to execution and delivery.

Logging While Drilling

We provide dependable, customized and cost-effective LWD solutions to address the well bore positioning and geological challenges. As well as being compatible with any MWD systems. And it can be run in stand-alone memory mode with any mud motor, MWD system or RSS.

Measurement While Drilling

Our MWD services provide the borehole measurements in real-time.

Rotary Steerable System

Munhna tool RSS is designed to complete vertical, curve, and lateral sections in a single run, which eliminates the need for expensive trips and enhances ROP with a maximum bit speed of 300 RPM, it boosts performance and minimize rig time.

Performance Motors

We offers a significant advantage in that always have equipment in stock and ready to work. In various size ranging from 3 1/2 " to 9 1/2" and for hole size from 4 1/2 to 17 1/2 . We can drill new wells and sidetracks in previously drilled wells and help our clients reduce drilling time by increasing ROP and improving vertical wellbore profiles.

Well Planning

Our company employs an engineering focused strategy to plan and drill directional wells, which is particularly crucial given the growing prevalence of high-angle, large step-out horizontal and customized wells. In addition, anti-collision planning is of paramount importance. To facilitate these tasks, we leverage EDM-landmark software considered to be the most advanced software for anti-collision, well planning and survey database storage and can handle all aspects of well planning.

Directional Drilling

We offer dependable and economical solutions to meet our clients needs, by combining advanced tools, procedures and staff, we achieve exceptional drilling performance with enhanced drilling speed, improved borehole quality and accurate well placement. We provide various types of directional drilling services.

Early production facility

Our EPF services provide a cost-effective solution for oil and gas operators looking to quickly bring their wells into production.

Coil tubing services

Munhna offers a diverse range of interventions that can significantly extend the life span of producing wells and boost their productivity. Our coiled tubing solutions are customized to enhance well performance and optimize well design.

Artificial Lift Technology

As a service provider specializing in artificial lift, we offer a range of lift solutions. We understand that selecting the right Artificial Lift system is critical to maximizing well productivity and profitability.